Striving to 2030, Dak Nong has 10 urban areas
According to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1757/QD-TTg dated 31/12/2023 approving the Dak Nong Provincial Planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050, the planning of the urban system and territorial organization in rural areas of Dak Nong province to 2030 is organized as follows:

Urban system planning

To develop a harmonious urban system and to be suitable with potentials and advantages of each urban center, to use land effectively; to focus on urban development as the center of the province's main driving areas.

When meeting the conditions and standards as prescribed, Dak nong strives to have 10 urban centers by 2030, including: 01 grade-II urban center (Gia Nghia City), 01 grade-III urban center (Dak Mil Town), 02 grade-IV urban centers (Dak R'Lap Town, Cu Jut Town), striving to achieve 04 grade-IV urban centers (Dak Mm,  Duc An, Quang Khe, Dak Buk So) and 02 grade V urban areas (Quang Son, Nam N'Jang).


Rural territorial organizations

To arrange the system of rural residential quarters on the basis of the current population distribution, the construction sites of rural residential quarters that are less affected by natural disaster and climate change, and are not in areas at risk of landslides; connecting with inter-commune and inter-regional roads. In accordance with cultural traditions and living practices. Organize residential areas combined with production areas to form a complete, synchronous system which ensures the environment, stability and sustainable development.

Organizing and orienting investment in rural residential areas, including: Region I (population in suburban areas): Investment in the direction of chain linkage and synchronization with urban centers. Region II (population in agricultural production areas): Investment in the direction of population concentration, consolidation of commune centers, formation of sub-centers in communes with large areas. Region III (population in difficult, extremely difficult, dispersed and scattered areas): Investment in the direction of concentrating and stabilizing  population, ensuring essential infrastructure, infrastructure investment linking to commune centers and commune clusters./.

